The Scientology Movement….

24 September 1969  The Independent Journal Published by the Church of Scientology

Psychiatric front groups label of Scientology as a “cult” is only one more mistake by psychiatry.

The work done to uncover the malicious intentions of psychiatry toward man and to wipe out the attack has been and is being done by the directors and staffs of Scientology organizations on five continents and by the millions of Scientologists and friends over the world.

The Scientology movement is not pushed by one man, it is pushed by millions.

If you champion the dignity and freedom of mankind, you are a Scientologist at heart if not by name.

We are no cult. We are the most able technicians in the field of the mind on the planet and are the only skilled experts in this field who can produce uniformly beneficial and permanent good results. We now outnumber psychiatry by about 100 to 1.

We believe in mankind. We can and are helping man, our countries and society.

We are not ‘one man.” We are millions and we are everywhere.

L. Ron Hubbard

There are more articles in the Category: Philosophy.

For another great article, please read A Reason Why Psychiatric Front Groups Attack Scientology.

And for more on Scientology, there is also this here in the Church of Scientology Canberra.

Also, please see the Home Page.

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