Today’s Terrorism – an article

by L. Ron Hubbard

1 March 1969  The Independent Journal Published by the Church of Scientology

While western countries are spending billions fighting terrorist activities abroad they are neglecting the one they have at home.

The psychiatrist and his front groups operate straight out of the terrorist text-books. The Mafia looks like a convention of Sunday school teachers compared to these terrorist groups.

Setting himself up as a terrorist symbol, the psychiatrist kidnaps, tortures and murders without any slightest police interference or action by western security forces.

Instead these forces attack churches and peaceful, decent social groups under the direct orders of these terrorists.

Rape is rape, torture is torture, murder is murder. There are no laws that let even a medical doctor do these things.

The men who directed the attacks on Scientology in the press and parliaments were also directors of the main psychiatric front group.

A psychiatrist kills a young girl for sexual kicks, murders a dozen patients with an ice pick, castrates a hundred men. And they give him another million appropriation.

One can only conclude that psychiatric terrorism is not limited to the families of mental patients. It must extend all the way to the top.

Extortion, kidnapping, murder – these are crimes. yet where are the security forces? Thousands of miles away tending to other people’s business.

Very few people can be brought to testify against psychiatry. Yet 4 out of 5 contacted in a recent US survey had family or friends who had been ruined by psychiatry! They said, in general, “if I spoke up or complained, they’d take it out on my (son, friend relative).”

I well recall a conversation I had with Dr. Center in Savannah, Georgia, in 1949. It well expresses the arrogance and complete contempt for law and order of the psychiatrist.

A man had just called to inquire after his wife who was “under treatment” in Center’s hospital. Center asked him. “Do you have the money…? Thats right, thirty thousand … well you better get it or I’ll have to send your dear wife to the state institution and you know what will happen then!”

I was there doing work on charity patients the local psychiatrists wouldn’t touch. Center had forgotten I was in the room.

He looked at me and shrugged. “He’s sold his house, car and business already and he isn’t good for any more. So over she goes to the operating room. It’s just as well. The attendants got her pregnant and we’ll have to abort her anyway. So we may as well wash her out. Hell of a business to be in for some quick bucks and a few kicks.”

Thousands and thousands were seized without process of law every week over the “free world, tortured, castrated, killed. All in the name of “mental health.”

Terrorists never operated more effectively in any land with less interference and less outcry.

The evil is so great the public won’t confront it. 1984 here we come!


For another great article, please read A Reason Why Psychiatric Front Groups Attack Scientology.
And for more on Scientology, there is also this here in the Church of Scientology Canberra.
Also, please see the Home Page. There are more articles in the Category: Philosophy.

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